Mobile Content Creation

Content Builder

Improve interaction and outcome for users customizing the layout of personal images for various gifts.

OVERVIEW has a really interesting platform whereby users can upload personal images, arrange them into a custom layout, and then apply that arrangement to various physical products like mugs, blankets, etc. This case study explores ways to improve the user's experience when arranging the images. For a full explanation, view the presentation HERE


There are a few issues with the experience that revolve around the following: users often drag to resize an image, and it appears to be resizing while they drag, but then it just snaps back without doing anything. This is called an “ineffective resize”.


Product Designer
Including: Information Architecture, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping


Flow proposed for review





Facebook Risk Assessment Dashboard


Facebook cares a great deal about how safe their software is for themselves and most importantly the millions of users around the world.

To gauge the risk of any piece or collection of software, they identify vulnerabilities, create and safeguards, then run repetitive assessments on those risks.

This tool is built to facilitate that very important yet complicated process.


  • Duration - 5+ months
  • Team - 1 designer (myself), 10 engineers, 1 User Researcher, 1 EPM
  • Context - Web
  • Tools - Proprietary interactive prototype tool
  • Deliverables - Interactive prototypes
  • Users - Risk leads across multiple teams
  • Impact - Enable risk teams the ability to manage assessments over the course of complete risk lifespan


Create an in-house solution that captures the complete end-to-end workflow lifespan of a risk and its assessment


  • Create risks and related assessment components
  • Review, approve, reject assessments
  • Support the unique taxonomy of each risk team
  • KPI dashboard



The first part of the solution required providing the algorithm that arranges the images additional information to arrive at results closer to the user's intent.

To accomplish this, I'm proposing the addition of a priority system by which the users can decide if certain images of their project are important/not important, but then also determine order of importance. (click the image to see more)

Facebook Risk Assessment Dashboard


Facebook cares a great deal about how safe their software is for themselves and most importantly the millions of users around the world.

To gauge the risk of any piece or collection of software, they identify vulnerabilities, create and safeguards, then run repetitive assessments on those risks.

This tool is built to facilitate that very important yet complicated process.


  • Duration - 5+ months
  • Team - 1 designer (myself), 10 engineers, 1 User Researcher, 1 EPM
  • Context - Web
  • Tools - Proprietary interactive prototype tool
  • Deliverables - Interactive prototypes
  • Users - Risk leads across multiple teams
  • Impact - Enable risk teams the ability to manage assessments over the course of complete risk lifespan


Create an in-house solution that captures the complete end-to-end workflow lifespan of a risk and its assessment


  • Create risks and related assessment components
  • Review, approve, reject assessments
  • Support the unique taxonomy of each risk team
  • KPI dashboard



There's a good chance the the algorithm won't accomplish a perfect layout on it's first attempt, so the user will need to have some control to get more specific.

The problem is that in the existing flow the algorithm is constantly fighting against the user. It tries to obey its internal rules while the user tries to acomplish their artistic direction.

So my solution proposes to disengage the algorithm at the start. This allows the user to adjust images without constraint, and then we can give the user a control to engage the algorithm when they're ready. (click the image to see more)

Facebook Risk Assessment Dashboard


Facebook cares a great deal about how safe their software is for themselves and most importantly the millions of users around the world.

To gauge the risk of any piece or collection of software, they identify vulnerabilities, create and safeguards, then run repetitive assessments on those risks.

This tool is built to facilitate that very important yet complicated process.


  • Duration - 5+ months
  • Team - 1 designer (myself), 10 engineers, 1 User Researcher, 1 EPM
  • Context - Web
  • Tools - Proprietary interactive prototype tool
  • Deliverables - Interactive prototypes
  • Users - Risk leads across multiple teams
  • Impact - Enable risk teams the ability to manage assessments over the course of complete risk lifespan


Create an in-house solution that captures the complete end-to-end workflow lifespan of a risk and its assessment


  • Create risks and related assessment components
  • Review, approve, reject assessments
  • Support the unique taxonomy of each risk team
  • KPI dashboard



Exploring this space uncovered the need for both direct manipultion of images as well as indirect. This is a result of the friction between artistic goals of the user and the rigidity of the algorithm.

The Move Mode explores some thoughts around what indirect manipulation would look like. In this case, you can see some move tools at the bottom that allow vague left, right, top, bottom "nudges" vs playing an image in a specific location.

Facebook Risk Assessment Dashboard


Facebook cares a great deal about how safe their software is for themselves and most importantly the millions of users around the world.

To gauge the risk of any piece or collection of software, they identify vulnerabilities, create and safeguards, then run repetitive assessments on those risks.

This tool is built to facilitate that very important yet complicated process.


  • Duration - 5+ months
  • Team - 1 designer (myself), 10 engineers, 1 User Researcher, 1 EPM
  • Context - Web
  • Tools - Proprietary interactive prototype tool
  • Deliverables - Interactive prototypes
  • Users - Risk leads across multiple teams
  • Impact - Enable risk teams the ability to manage assessments over the course of complete risk lifespan


Create an in-house solution that captures the complete end-to-end workflow lifespan of a risk and its assessment


  • Create risks and related assessment components
  • Review, approve, reject assessments
  • Support the unique taxonomy of each risk team
  • KPI dashboard



These are various incidental I mocked up to supplement the more major interactions in the main flow.